Please press play and listen. Ben Howard was the soundtrack of our trip. <3
Lake Waramaug. That's where our little lake house was perched. We were so surrounded by nature. Birds chirped during the day, and crickets at night. We even heard wolves howling. Every morning we'd wake up and run down the stone steps to sit on the dock. Then we'd go into town to this little coffee shop where we'd get the best organic breakfast and coffee. We visited little souvenir shops, a winery, and a beautiful museum dedicated to Native American history. And after the day was over we'd come back to the lake, play some music, take some pictures, watch the sun set, and swim 'til the stars came out. It was my favorite part of the entire trip--swimming in that lake. The water was so warm and calm, and sometimes you'd feel little fish swim past your feet. When it got too cold to stay in the water we'd come back up to the house, and relax on the porch, laughing and telling stories until we couldn't stay awake. We did that for seven nights in a row. On the last evening, we went to the state fair. We had to park our car and walk a mile down a closed-off road, through a picture perfect town. It felt like a scene from a movie. The sun was setting, casting the perfect golden light on the trees, and everything looked like a painting. Once we arrived at the fair gates, the sunlight was replaced by spotlights and everything came alive. I remember looking around and feeling like that moment was too perfect to exist. I was so, so happy to be able to experience it, and so happy to be alive. This life is pure magic.
(This blog post has been getting put off since August, when I actually took this trip. Every time I would sit down to work on it, I'd find something else more important that I had to do. So finally, five months later, it's finished. Half the photos are film shots, and the others are digital. The images that I'm in were taken by my love, and all the rest are mine.)